SharePoint Web Service Webs

SharePoint Web Service Webs is used to work with sites and subsites of SharePoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service Webs

* CreateContentType

* CustomizeCss

* DeleteContentType

* GetActivatedFeatures

* GetAllSubWebCollection

* GetColumns

* GetContentType

* GetContentTypes

* GetCustomizedPageStatus

* GetListTemplates

* GetWeb

* GetWebCollection

* RemoveContentTypeXmlDocument

* RevertAllFileContentStreams

* RevertCss

* RevertFileContentStream

* UpdateColumns

* UpdateContentType

* UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument

* WebUrlFromPageUrl

SharePoint Web Service WebPartPages

SharePoint Web Service WebPartPages is used to work with Web Parts of SharePoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service WebPartPages

* AddWebPart

* AddWebPartToZone

* AssociateWorkflowMarkup

* ConvertWebPartFormat

* DeleteWebPart

* ExecuteProxyUpdates

* FetchLegalWorkflowActions

* GetAssemblyMetaData

* GetBindingResourceData

* GetCustomControlList

* GetDataFromDataSourceControl

* GetFormCapabilityFromDataSourceControl

* GetSafeAssemblyInfo

* GetWebPart

* GetWebPart2

* GetWebPartCrossPageCompatibility

* GetWebPartPage

* GetWebPartPageConnectionInfo

* GetWebPartPageDocument

* GetWebPartProperties

* GetWebPartProperties2

* GetXmlDataFromDataSource

* RemoveWorkflowAssociation

* RenderWebPartForEdit

* SaveWebPart

* SaveWebPart2

* ValidateWorkflowMarkupAndCreateSupportObjects

SharePoint Web Service Views

SharePoint Web Service Views is used to work with with views of lists of a SharePoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service Views

* AddView

* DeleteView

* GetView

* GetViewCollection

* GetViewHtml

* UpdateView

* UpdateViewHtml

* UpdateViewHtml2

SharePoint Web Service Versions

SharePoint Web Service Versions is used to work with file versions of SharePoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service Versions

* DeleteAllVersions

* DeleteVersion

* GetVersions

* RestoreVersion

SharePoint Web Service UserGroup

SharePoint Web Service UserGroup is used to work with users and groups of SharePoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service UserGroup

* AddGroup

* AddGroupToRole

* AddRole

* AddRoleDef

* AddUserCollectionToGroup

* AddUserCollectionToRole

* AddUserToGroup

* AddUserToRole

* GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb

* GetGroupCollection

* GetGroupCollectionFromRole

* GetGroupCollectionFromSite

* GetGroupCollectionFromUser

* GetGroupCollectionFromWeb

* GetGroupInfo

* GetRoleCollection

* GetRoleCollectionFromGroup

* GetRoleCollectionFromUser

* GetRoleCollectionFromWeb

* GetRoleInfo

* GetRolesAndPermissionsForCurrentUser

* GetRolesAndPermissionsForSite

* GetUserCollection

* GetUserCollectionFromGroup

* GetUserCollectionFromRole

* GetUserCollectionFromSite

* GetUserCollectionFromWeb

* GetUserInfo

* GetUserLoginFromEmail

* RemoveGroup

* RemoveGroupFromRole

* RemoveRole

* RemoveUserCollectionFromGroup

* RemoveUserCollectionFromRole

* RemoveUserCollectionFromSite

* RemoveUserFromGroup

* RemoveUserFromRole

* RemoveUserFromSite

* RemoveUserFromWeb

* UpdateGroupInfo

* UpdateRoleDefInfo

* UpdateRoleInfo

* UpdateUserInfo

SharePoint Web Service Sites

SharePoint Web Service Sites is used to work with contains a single method to retrieve site templates of SharePoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service Sites

* ExportWeb

* GetSiteTemplates

* GetUpdatedFormDigest

* ImportWeb

SharePoint Web Service SiteData

SharePoint Web Service SiteData is used to work with Windows SharePoint Portal Server of SharePoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service SiteData

* EnumerateFolder

* GetAttachments

* GetChanges

* GetContent

* GetList

* GetListCollection

* GetListItems

* GetSite

* GetSiteAndWeb

* GetSiteUrl

* GetURLSegments

* GetWeb

SharePoint Web Service Permissions

SharePoint Web Service Permissions is used to work with with SharePoint Services security of SharePoint Website.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service Permissions

* AddPermission

* AddPermissionCollection

* GetPermissionCollection

* RemovePermission

* RemovePermissionCollection

* UpdatePermission

SharePoint Web Service Meetings

SharePoint Web Service Meetings is used to work with Meeting Workspaces of SharePoint website.


Methods of Meetings SharePoint Web Service.

* AddMeeting

* AddMeetingFromICal

* CreateWorkspace

* DeleteWorkspace

* GetMeetingWorkspaces

* GetMeetingsInformation

* RemoveMeeting

* RestoreMeeting

* SetAttendeeResponse

* SetWorkspaceTitle

* UpdateMeeting

* UpdateMeetingFromICal

SharePoint Web Service Lists

SharePoint Web Service Lists is used to work with lists of a SharePoint website.


Methods of Lists SharePoint Web Service

* AddAttachment

* AddDiscussionBoardItem

* AddList

* AddListFromFeature

* ApplyContentTypeToList

* CheckInFile

* CheckOutFile

* CreateContentType

* DeleteAttachment

* DeleteContentType

* DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument

* DeleteList

* GetAttachmentCollection

* GetList

* GetListAndView

* GetListCollection

* GetListContentType

* GetListContentTypes

* GetListItemChanges

* GetListItemChangesSinceToken

* GetListItems

* GetVersionCollection

* UndoCheckOut

* UpdateContentType

* UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument

* UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument

* UpdateList

* UpdateListItems

SharePoint Web Service Imaging

SharePoint Web Service Imaging is used to work with with picture & libraries of a SharePoint website.


Methods Of Imaging SharePoint Web Service

* CheckSubwebAndList

* CreateNewFolder

* Delete

* Download

* Edit

* GetItemsByIds

* GetItemsXMLData

* GetListItems

* ListPictureLibrary

* Rename

* Upload

SharePoint Web Service Forms

SharePoint Web Service Forms is used to work with user interface forms of SharePoint Website.


Methods of SharePoint Forms Web Service

* GetForm

* GetFormCollection

SharePoint Web Service DWS

SharePoint Web Service DWS is used to work with Document Workspace of SharePoint website. DWS web service known as Document Work Space.


Methods of SharePoint Web Service DWS

* CanCreateDwsUrl

* CreateDws

* CreateFolder

* DeleteDws

* DeleteFolder

* FindDwsDoc

* GetDwsData

* GetDwsMetaData

* RemoveDwsUser

* RenameDws

* UpdateDwsData

SharePoint Web Service Admin

This Web Service known as Administrative web service which has all methods to interact with the SharePoint website, admin SharePoint web service allow such as creating and deleting sites etc.


Methods Of SharePoint Admin Web Service.

List of Microsoft SharePoint Web Services

There are 16 web services of SharePoint, which is are as follows.

Web Service for Administrative methods such as creating and deleting sites


Web Service for working with alerts

Web Service for retrieving schemas and data

Web Service for working with Document Workspaces

Web Service for working with user interface forms

Web Service for working with picture libraries

Web Service for working with lists.

Web Service for working with Meeting Workspaces

Web Service for working with SharePoint Services security

Web Service for Windows SharePoint Portal Server

Web Service for Contains a single method to retrieve site templates

Web Service for working with users and groups

Web Service for working with file versions

Web Service for working with views of lists

Web Service for working with Web Parts

Web Service for working with sites and subsites

SharePoint Web Service DspSts

SharePoint Web Service DspSts is used for working for retrieving schemas and data of a SharePoint Website.


Methods Of DspSts SharePoint Web Services

* queryRequest

SharePoint Web Service alerts

SharePoint Web Service Alert is used to work with alerts or reminder. This web service allow you to handle alerts or reminder of sharepoint website.


Methods of SharePoint Alert Web Service

* DeleteAlerts

* GetAlerts